Apeldoornseweg 203e

6816 SM  Arnhem


Mon-Thu: 8.00u - 16.30u

Fri: 8.00u - 14.30u

Sat-Sun: Closed

Service Center Terlet


We have all the facility’s needed to check, calibrate and Install all your Avionics, LX, Flarm, etc.

Approved for Calibration and Testing

Avionic Calibration for Gliders, Balloons and Aircraft up to MTOW 5700.
• Calibration and leak testing of Altimeter
• Calibration and leak testing of Airspeed-indicator
• Repair of leaking instruments
• Calibration of Logger
• Calibration of Barograph
• Transponder testing
• Transponder altitude testing
• Radio testing
• Compass swing