Apeldoornseweg 203e

6816 SM  Arnhem


Mon-Thu: 8.00u - 16.30u

Fri: 8.00u - 14.30u

Sat-Sun: Closed

Service Center Terlet

Composite Repair

Service Center Terlet….. because only the best repair can insure a safe flight.


Whatever the maintenance may be, we can offer it.

Engines and Propellers

Maintenance, modification and repair of all types of Engines and Propellers.


We have all the facility’s needed to check, calibrate and Install all your Avionics, LX, Flarm, etc.


Your Glider will be maintained in accordance to all the AD’s, SB and Maintenance instructions.

Up to MTOW 5700

Certified for Composite Repairs and Instrument Calibration of single engine piston airplanes components, with a maximum take-off weight of 5700kg.